Gas Furnace Articles

6 Ways Your Furnace Keeps You Safe

January 24, 2025
6 Ways Your Furnace Keeps You Safe

Your fuel-burning furnace has a number of mechanisms allowing it to run safely and effectively. These features prevent fires and protect your indoor air quality (IAQ). They also work to prevent internal errors from damaging large portions of your furnace.

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What’s That Smell Coming From My Furnace?

December 25, 2024
What’s That Smell Coming From My Furnace? Photo of a man sitting on his couch on his phone, looking out the window seemingly concerned.

If your furnace is producing a strange smell, you should always treat it with caution. While the cause for the odor may be benign, it could just as easily be harmful to inhale. When in doubt, always open windows to ensure ventilation, and evacuate your Post Falls home.

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Why Is the Furnace Pilot Light Going Out?

December 16, 2024
Why Is the Furnace Pilot Light Going Out? Gas burner flame abstraction long exposure.

This issue happens more often than not with older furnaces, and it could be a sign you are ready to upgrade your Coeur D’Alene home’s heating and cooling system with a new model. At the 10-year mark, furnaces start to lose efficiency and begin breaking down more frequently.

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Why Isn’t My Furnace Heating My Entire Home?

November 26, 2024
Why Isn’t My Furnace Heating My Entire Home? Photo of a family of three, freezing in their home, huddled under a blanket to keep warm.

If your furnace seems to be producing heat inconsistently around your Spokane home to you, you’re not alone. Many homes have varied conditions from room to room, causing spotty heating or cooling. On cold days, this can be a nuisance. You may be confined to only a few rooms in your home, or you might…

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Furnace From the Black Lagoon

October 21, 2024
Furance from the black lagoon. Blog Image. RandR Heating.

Fall has come to the Inland Northwest. The winds howl and you can picture the soon arriving snow piling up outside. That’s when you first hear it, the ancient, menacing presence lurking in the bowels of your home. For most of the year it has been lying dormant, but as the temperature drops, it stirs to…

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